Guidelines for Authors


Manuscript Submission: Prepare and submit your manuscript per the detailed instructions.

The manuscript should follow the JE&AS format available from this link.

The manuscripts should present original work in the scope of the journal, must be exclusively submitted to this journal, must not have been published before, and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The extended and expanded versions of papers published in conference proceedings can also be submitted with detailed descriptions of the additional parts. Three manuscripts are considered: regular, short, and survey/tutorial papers. 

Access And Charges: JE&AS is a broad-based, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes original research of the most recent scientific importance. JE&AS aims to provide its authors an opportunity for the most rapid review and publication process with no fees to publish their articles. On the other hand, the vision of this group of journals is to provide free access to the journals without financial restrictions to readers using the open-access publication model. We strongly hope that both authors and readers throughout the globe will appreciate our goals of disseminating scientific research.

Page Limits: Regular papers are limited to 12 journal pages. Short papers are limited to 4 pages. For surveys/tutorial papers, contact the editor-in-chief in advance.

Highlights: Outlined are the key highlights, limited to 5 bullet points, each containing no more than 80 characters (including spaces). These succinctly encapsulate essential aspects of the work. The provided highlights are slated for a thorough review and subsequent publication.

Graphical Abstract Guidelines: Each article in JE&AS Journals requires a graphical abstract. Authors are requested to submit a single visual representation summarizing their work's main ideas and concepts. The dimensions for the graphical abstract should be 4.5 inches by 3 inches. Importantly, the visual should convey information without the inclusion of any textual description. This visual abstract is a concise and impactful snapshot of the article's key elements.

Conflict of Interest: All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest or the lack of such.

Author Declaration: The authors declare that the manuscript is original, has not been published before, and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere. The manuscript has been read and approved by all named authors; no other persons who satisfied the criteria for authorship are listed, and all authors have approved the order of authors listed in the manuscript. Authors must acknowledge the support from any funding agency, and the authors have received permission from the funding agency if required. The corresponding author is the sole contact with the JE&AS editorial board in matters related to the submissions of revisions and final approval of proofs.

Copyright Transfer Agreement: Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to sign the copyright transfer agreement.

Language: The journal is written in English.

Submission: Submission to this journal is accepted only through the eJManager portal. No e-mail submissions are allowed. A manuscript must be prepared and sent in MS Word following the template provided.

Submitted Documents: "Article Format (Rev.2)" document MUST contain all author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s). However, the "Main Article" document does not contain any information about the author(s) or the affiliation(s).

Author's Ban: Authors failing to upload their manuscripts according to our terms and conditions and following our JE&AS template more than once will get their manuscripts rejected and be banned from future uploads. Authors must make every effort to ensure full compliance with JE&AS terms & conditions and template format.

Plagiarism Check: All submitted manuscripts must pass the plagiarism check. Our policy is not to accept manuscripts with more than 25% similarity measure. The plagiarism check is a paid service charged to the author(s) and is conducted before submission. Any fees paid for the plagiarism check are non-refundable.

Use Of Word-Processing Software: The manuscript must be prepared in MS Word and follow the article format as illustrated in the template. All tables and figures must be placed within the manuscript properly. Footnotes are not accepted.

Author Inquiries: For inquiries related to the submission of articles, contact the editors at